Important Information for Lap Band Patients

Welcome! Dr. Bishop decided to start performing Lap Band adjustments so that he could support Lap Band patients living in and around the Ottawa area. He currently sees patients who have had their surgery performed at the SmartShape Weight Loss Centre (Mississauga) and Clinique Spécialisée CLAP (Drummondville).

Dr. Bishop and our team look forward to providing you with a friendly and comfortable appointment! Here is some important information to be aware of:

1) In order to perform a fill or de-fill, Dr. Bishop must have a faxed or e-mailed request from your primary location of surgery. It is important that you contact your surgeon’s office prior to coming in for your adjustment to let them know what you require. This is important because Dr. Bishop and your surgeon are working together to support you.

2) Lap Band fills are only performed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. In the uncommon situation that you may find your fill too restrictive, this allows Dr. Bishop the flexibility to perform a de-fill, if necessary, on a Thursday or Friday.

3) Dr. Bishop goes through an extensive medical history with you so that he may provide you with the utmost care with respect to your Lap Band procedure and any conditions associated with weight management; everything is documented in your patient file. For this reason, your health card must be presented when you come in for your first appointment, and/or if it gets renewed. OHIP/Régie cover the medical portion of each visit. The Lap Band adjustment procedure itself is not covered by health care.

4) The fee for a Lap Band adjustment is $75.00. If you had your surgery performed by a surgeon who has agreed to cover the cost of your adjustments, this aspect has already been coordinated with our office.

5) Dr. Bishop provides all of his Lap Band patients with a personal contact number in case of emergency (i.e. if a de-fill is needed, you are vomiting and unable to swallow, etc.). However, the primary caregiver for your Lap Band procedure is the surgeon who performed the procedure. If Dr. Bishop is on holidays or unavailable, ALWAYS CONTACT YOUR SURGEON’S OFFICE IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR LAP BAND. (At this point in time, there are no other doctors in Ottawa, even in the emergency departments, who are able to perform a Lap Band adjustment).

We look forward to supporting you on your weight loss journey!

FYI: This website has some great discussion forums and Q&A sections: